Monday, July 4, 2016

Essential Oils

A little over a year ago now, I decided to take the plunge and try essential oils. It was something that I has been interested in but wasn't really sure where to start. It also can get expensive pretty quickly which was another hesitation. But I was pregnant with Brayden and really wanted to start eliminating some chemicals from our routine.

I had finally decided on the premium starter kit from Young Living. I felt like it was the best bang for my buck considering it came with the diffuser and a good amount of oils. I am going to be completely honest here and say that I scoured the Internet for a promo code or deal. Its something I do with pretty much every purchase I make so of course this was no exception. Needless to say, I came up empty handed. However, I did come across an eBay listing. It was a current Young Living member who was offering $20 back if you ordered a starter kit using her referral code. So that's exactly what I did. She also added me to a great group of ladies on facebook who have been able to offer suggestions and help with any oily questions I have had along the way.

When I first ordered the starter kit, the main use was to diffuse. We have gotten rid of ALL air fresheners in this house. They are essentially a mixture of chemicals that I was not comfortable having my children breathe in. That was a HUGE change from this former Bath and Body Works junkie! Now every night before bed, I diffuse lavender and the"peace and calming"blend for 20-30 minutes. It not only smells amazing but also helps the kids calm down for bed time.

I would say it wasn't really until the past 9 months or so that I really started branching out into other things. I am going to make an effort to share some of my favorite products that I make with the essential oils. They have helped my family so much and replaced many products around here: bubble bath, body lotions, cleaning products, cold and flu medicines.. just to name a few!

If you have been thinking about giving Essential Oils a try, I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit!  You get all the oils pictured above along with the diffuser and a bunch of other goodies. While I am not "actively" selling the Young Living Products, if you want to give it go, you can sign up with my member number (2775648) and I can add you to our online community!

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