Saturday, December 17, 2016

Advent/ Elf Day 17

Merry snuck all around the house after we went to bed Friday night... Charlotte woke up and said " Merry took my Olaf underpants"!

Way back in September, we purchased tickets to the North Pole Express. Its based out of the Florida Railroad Museum down in Parrish which is about 45 minutes from us. We were told you HAVE to get tickets the day the went on sale or you likely would not get them. They were right, we were literally having seats taken from our "cart". We ended up with expensive first class seats to the North Pole. The kids wore their jammies and had a great time. However, I did not think the experience was worth the cost so I am unsure if we would do it again. But it did make a fun, family-friendly Advent activity,

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