Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

It's hard to believe another Christmas has passed and we are approaching the end of another year. It is so crazy to me how quickly the years are passing. December 20th marked two years since we purchased our home..two years? Feels like two months!

Things have been very busy around here as we prepped for the holidays. Right before Christmas, I got a promotion to Director at work. This means I will be running three programs instead of one. It was very unexpected but I am very excited to start this new challenge! And it definitely started the Holidays out on a great foot!

Regardless of how the holiday falls, I always take Christmas Eve off. I very rarely take time off but I just don't feel right working that day. This year we got a little visitor on Christmas Eve:

Meet Milo. He belongs to my friend, Lee Ann, but is staying with us through the Holidays. Much of Christmas Eve day was spent prepping food for our big Christmas Dinner. Every year for Christmas Eve, we go to the Olive Garden for dinner with my in laws before heading to their church for a 9pm service. This year was much of the same:

Christmas morning, Tim and I head over to my parent's house in our jammies for breakfast and presents. We then go home to get ready as we host dinner. His parent's then come over about an hour before my parents so that we can exchange gifts. We both have relatively small families so it just works out best this way. This year's meal was prime rib, roasted brussel sprouts, mac and cheese, salad and rolls with fresh homemade cinnamon butter. Oh...and the dessert! I attempted to make my very first cheesecake. Only it wasn't just cheesecake, it was white chocolate peppermint bark cheesecake. It was delicious! Totally worth the extra work!

I had a really hard time coming up with things I wanted this year. Maybe that is a sign that I am getting old? To me the holidays are about giving ( I have always been more to enjoy giving more that receiving) and family. Oh, but I did get one thing that I really wanted:

Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday! Only three more working days till the next one! :)

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