Monday, February 13, 2012

Thrifty Cabinet Hunting

This weekend was somewhat unusual. We didn't do any house projects. None. While the shed is still a work in progress, we have started to realize we need to address the garage and some of our storage issues so that we have a "master plan" so to speak. We know that we want to add a work bench and/or cabinets along the right side of the garage. We also know that the lawn equipment will eventually be moved out to the shed allowing me to park my car in the garage again. Something I haven't been able to do since the first week we were married...almost a year ago. We also need to paint the garage and add more storage.

So I decided to start hunting around on Craigslist to find some second hand cabinets that I could refinish/ make presentable again. Nothing! Everything I found was new or should have been dumped in the garbage! So Tim and I started just moving some of the bigger items out to the shed (lawn mower, spreader, edger etc). We then realized, we needed to add shelving units in here as well ( along with a second window, a lock and lighting). So back to the garage it went.

We are able to access our attic now that the majority of the shed supplies are out of there. So we finally loaded the Christmas decorations into the attic on Saturday night, clearing up A LOT of room.

On Sunday, we were on our way to FIT2RUN to buy me some new running shoes as an early Valentine's Day present, when Tim suggested we stop at Goodwill. He wanted to check out NASCAR gear for an upcoming Bachelor Party he is attending. I headed straight back to the furniture, looking for a deal. Where I found this:

I picked her up for $35 and she is now residing in our garage for miscellaneous storage.

I must admit, I have never been much of a thrift store shopper. I was kind of shocked at how expensive things were there. They wanted $300 bucks for a small kitchen table with two chairs! Used hats were five dollars. I always heard of people getting great buys but aside from my cabinet, I don't really see it!

So we are still on the hunt for cabinets we can hang to make a workbench area. Although, I have not had much luck at the Habitat for Humanity Restore in the past, I plan to continue to check in on them for used cabinets, as its right across the street from where I work.

Aside from the cabinet purchase, the weekend consisted of the usual weekend errands (grocery, bank, etc). Unlike my normal workaholic self, I only logged into work for 2 hours late Sunday night, making for a nice relaxing weekend.

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