Monday, March 19, 2012

Product Review: Kraft Fresh Takes

I LOVE couponing. And fast dinners. These two facts lead to me to Kraft Fresh Takes. I had 4 Manufacturer Coupons for $1 off 1. My Publix also takes Target coupons so I was also able to use a Target coupon for $1.50 off/ 3 Kraft Products. This means I was able to pick up 4 of these Kraft Fresh Takes for a grand total of $2.46 or 61.5 cents a piece!

Last week, we had the Rosemary and Roasted Garlic (un-pictured) and it was delicious! My husband has a weird relationship with cheese so I didn't tell him what was on the chicken. After the first bite he said "This chicken is really good". Then I told him it was cheese and he was fine! Had I told him to begin with, he may not have tried it.

Tonight we had the Chili Lime and Panko (again I used chicken but you could also use fish or pork). I served it with roasted sesame soy-sauce asparagus and sliced fruit (mango and kiwi). I thought the chicken had a slight kick to it but wasn't too spicy. I still think the Rosemary and Roasted Garlic is my favorite so far!Although, I was thinking of using the remaining Chili Lime to cook fish in. It would make an AWESOME fish taco!

Since I only cook for  two (and am cheap), I only used half the breading/cheese mix. I also only use one chicken breast cut in half and it is more then enough for both of us! Anyway, as long as you don't mix the chicken in the bag ( don't let meat touch the unused portion!), you can use the remaining mixture for a second meal. If I factor that into the price we are down to 30 cents!

Here is tonight's meal:
Yes, this is one chicken breast cut in half! Honestly, who can eat a whole?


  1. Was wondering about these! Thanks for sharing! And PS I'm too lazy to comment on the other post, but I am totally using your corned beef recipe--I boiled mine on Saturday but have some frozen for future use :)

    1. Thanks! The mashed potatoes in your corned beef meal looked AWESOME!


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