Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sensational Sunday (in pictures)

Last week was VERY stressful at work. I was so looking forward to the weekend. We got into a house project yesterday so I really needed today to be productive. Let's just say I haven't been this prepared for the start of a week in a while.

I was at Publix at 9am doing my weekly grocery shopping. I also had to make a quick trip up to the Natural Food Store to pick up Chia seeds for one of my afternoon experiments. I was home by 11 and then spent the next 3 hours in the kitchen! 
Oh and I had a little "help" from Lily with putting away the groceries....

First up was a pot of homemade sauce and sausage. I let it cook ALL day. It makes the house smell AMAZING. 
I struggle with breakfast during the week. I always have intention of making oatmeal but never have time to sit down and eat it ( My Blackberry usually starts around 6:30-7 am). So I usually end up eating a 100 cal English Muffin and then I am hungry by 10. So when I saw this on Pinterest I decided to give it a go. 
I made 3 Vanilla Strawberry and 3 Apple Cinnamon. I am counting points on Weight Watchers again and these are 5 points plus and I am hoping they will be more filling. I guess we will find out in the morning. 

Next up, Homemade yogurt. I make this every few months when I go on one of my "no artificial sweetener" kicks. It is still cooking as we speak. 

I have also been OBSESSED with raw kale salads lately. I could eat it everyday. I try to make it only every 2 weeks or so. I don't want to get sick of it. I got the idea from Roni over at Greenlitebites but I adapt it to what suits me. So we have four salads already dished out for lunches this week. 
I also washed and chopped all the fruit in the house for easy snacking. 
I know watermelon is not in season but it is surprisingly good!
And made Tim's lunch...everyday, a ham sandwich! Our tastes couldn't be more different!

We just ate dinner, the laundry is done, and  I have been doing some work stuff. Now its time to relax. Even with a productive Sunday, I still find myself asking "How is the weekend over already"? 

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