Thursday, April 4, 2013

Patio Furniture

After wrapping up the front patio floor, we we eager to get furniture for the area. I shopped around several local stores and ultimately ignored the "Don't do it" commercials from Leader's and purchased my patio furniture at the home improvement store.

Since the color of our house is green, we wither wanted to stick with green or go with something neutral. It seems like red is all the hype in outdoor furniture lately so it took a while to find something I liked. I was watching a set at Lowe's but apparently I wasn't watching close enough because it got clearanced out and I missed my chance.

So then I came across this set at Home Depot. It is Martha Stewart Living Charlottetown Collection and came in a green color. The best part was that it had a "new lower price" when I bought it. Thanks to a 10% off coupon, some Christmas Gift cards and 6 months of no interest, we are the proud new owners of patio furniture!

Side note: Looks like the price went back up! I got the sofa, one rocker, one standard chair and two end tables on sale for $513 plus tax. Similar sets at Lowes were right around $1000 and that was MUCH cheaper than Leader's.

Oh.. and we made one other purchase. A propane fire pit which doubles as our table. It was a total splurge item but we LOVE it. They actually don't have the exact model I purchased on the Lowe's website but it looks very much like this, only shorter and wider. It is by Allen and Roth and was $399. We had budgeted spending around $1000 on furniture so the fire pit was a nice added bonus thanks to  the sale we scored on the furniture.

I thought the furniture would take up most of the front patio but as you can see in the picture below, we still have a TON space!
The fire pit comes with the plastic "weatherproof" covering. We plan on making something a bit more secure in the upcoming months. We have had a couple of windy days and the existing cover has blown right off.

I originally planned on putting an area rug out there but now I am not certain. The area is under a tree and I feel like it will be a lot of upkeep. Even though we sprayed all the cushions with Outdoor Scotchgard, we don't keep them out unless we are using them. So right now they are stored in our garage cause I have yet to purchase an outdoor storage box.

Such a huge improvement from two months ago, right?

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