Monday, January 2, 2012


resolution- noun.

the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
I have never liked New Years as a holiday. I can't explain why. I have never had a bad experience but for whatever reason, I do not get into the spirit of the holiday. This year was spent at home, on my couch, with my husband, a glass of champagne and our three Dachshunds. To me, it was perfect! Since I have never been a New Years kind of gal, its a safe to bet that I don't typically partake in resolutions either. Well, I did. Once. In grad school. I tried this diet which eliminated caffeine from my diet. I literally felt like a zombie for two days before giving into a cup of coffee, I figure if that is my worst addiction, I am doing pretty well! 
Anyway, this year is no different. I did not make a "resolution". This however, does not mean that I do not have goals for myself. They are not things to accomplish so to speak. I am aiming for constancy (which is actually a synonym for resolution but for some reason, I like it a whole lot better). So without further adieu...
1) Move more.  
I would love to sit here and say, " I am going to go to the gym 5 days per week at 5am". Realistically, this is not going to happen. My goal is to move more. I have always enjoyed working out and it is something that I do now. I simply want to do more of it. The overall goal for me is to do some type of exercise for 30 minutes each day. However, since I have been inconsistent with my work outs as of late, I am aiming for three days per week, for now. 
2) Eat more Greens. 
I love vegetables. I eat them daily, but not as much as I would like to. I plan to buy one bag of greens (Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard, etc.) per week at the produce stand and incorporate it into as many things as possible so that the bag is gone by the end of the week. Plus the husband LOVES Green Monster smoothies so I am thinking this will be feasible albeit, more work for the cook in the house. 
3)  Focus on my license/Clinical skills
I have a list of books to read. I am about half-way through my supervised hours for licensure and would love to be able to wrap that up this year. Sans the exam, I don't like to think about that. 
4) Walk the pups daily
Again, I am already walking the pups but I NEED to do this more. I love the doxies to pieces and know that they are prone to IVDD. And while I know this is not preventable, I also know there are things I can do to help their odds (ie: making sure they get exercise every day, keep them thin etc.) 
That about wraps it up! What type of constancy do you want to aim for in 2012?  

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