Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shed Project: Phase 3 (& Final... hopefully)

This weekend we wrapped up the last phase of the shed project. If you missed it, we started building a shed in the backyard, with the help of my dad, back in January. (Here is a recap of Phase 1 and Phase 2).

We decided to run electricity to the shed to provide more outdoor lighting as well as to add a light/ fan in the shed itself.  I was nervous about this for several reasons: 1) it meant running a wire under my new lawn and 2) Both Tim and I know NOTHING about electrical work. Yet again, I am thankful for a handy father!

We picked up two smaller outdoor globes at Lowe’s in my favorite finish, Oil rubbed Bronze. Although, I must note they are a bit blacker than I was expecting. These have been sitting in our garage for a while now. Saturday, we made another trip to Lowes with my dad and spend an hour and half in the electrical aisle. It was HELL. I felt utterly helpless cause as I mentioned, I have no clue about electrical. In fact, at one point, my dad asked me to stop talking but I was disturbing his thought process with my incessant questions! J

I will be the first to admit that I spent much more than I anticipated! Luckily, I had a $25 gift card which helped, but I think even with that my total was around $120 (this also included a few items for another electrical project under the works).  The specifics of this project are not as detailed due to my lack of knowledge. I know that we used the outdoor plug at the back of my house to do two things: 1) run electrical across the yard into the shed with 60ft of 14-3 outdoor wire and 2) run wire to the edge of the patio outside the sliding glass door to create a switch. This process involved Tim digging/ separating the grass while I ran the wire as far down as I could. My dad was working on the outlet/ actual electricity.

We wanted the switch for the lights on the outside of the shed to be located close to the house. If you have to walk across the dark yard to turn on the outside lights, what’s the point right? We then added a second switch inside the shed to control the inside light.

I have some house paint left over from when I changed out the house numbers. Tim and I were talking about painting the gray wire protectors in the house paint to that it blends a little more.

My fears were calmed about the destruction of my grass. Here it is today, the dig line barely visible!
I don't think I ever shared that I was able to add a cute little widow planter to the side window on the shed. 
So here is the finished shed: 

Oh and look at how nice it looks at night!

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